Interpreting the data
What these data tell us:
These data represent 15 critical items that if in noncompliance, are more likely to contribute to food contamination or illness. These violation areas are foodborne illness risk factors. The factors listed below are directly related to causing foodborne illness:
- Approved source.
- Cross-contamination.
Personnel with infections restricted.
Hands washed as needed.
Hygienic practices.
Preventing food contamination from bare hands.
Rapidly cool foods to 41ºF or less.
Rapidly reheat to 165ºF or greater.
Hot hold at 135ºF or greater.
Required cooking temperature.
Cold hold at 41ºF or less.
Adequate equipment to maintain food temperatures.
Adequate number, location.
Accessible handwashing facilities.
Soap & drying devices available.
What these data do not tell us:
These data do not give us measures of the actual risk of contracting a foodborne illness.
These data do not give us numbers of suspected or confirmed cases of foodborne illnesses.
These data are based on inspection results from individual establishments at specific dates and times. The data does not necessarily represent the overall conditions at the establishment.
Many risk factor violations are corrected at the time of inspection. A violation does not necessarily represent an ongoing risk of foodborne illness.
Comparisons of foodborne illness risk factor violation data to health measures are done at an aggregate level. Areas with higher risk factor violations do not necessarily mean that there will be higher rates for certain health effects. Different factors, such as genetics, can contribute to the health of an individual.
Limitation of the data
About these measurements
Calculation methods
For all of these calculations, inspection data collected by local health agencies or CDPHE inspectors are used. These calculations only include data from facilities and risk factors that were inspected. Not all facilities and not all risk factors are inspected annually.